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Adi Rabinovich

Adi Rabinovich


Netflix Cancels Their Best Shows! Is Big Data Lying?
·1068 words·6 mins
Netflix Streaming Video Big Data Neuroscience Recommendations Tubi
TLDR> TLDR # Netflix again cancelled several of our favorite shows, me and the family are Fuming! In this post I explore what might be Netflix decision process, and try to identify potential flaws in it.
Hello World (Again!)
·461 words·3 mins
Personal Hello World JamStack Hugo Gatsby Philosophy
I am Back!!! After unfathomably long hiatus - the World and I have changed much! Hope you are ready for even Crazier writing from me! As you notice, the site is vastly improved!
Duplicate MAC address on Cable Modem – The Fight Goes On
·594 words·3 mins
Communications FCC Internet
TLDR: Arris/Motorola SurfBoard Cable Modems (and perhaps others) are constantly showing up with Duplicate MAC Addresses, even though each manufacturer must only make Single device with same address. Looks like it is time for another fiasco/fight with Comcast for us, something that has become at least annual affair.
My Advice for Dealing with Anxiety (Social, Disorder or Otherwise)
·1277 words·6 mins
Anxiety Self Help
Featured Art: By Destiny Blue on DeviantArt Overview> Overview # First, a quick primer to anxiety itself – it is actually an important human feature which evolution perfected over many millennia.
Biggest Microsoft Security Lapse in Recent History – Skype’s achilles heel
·953 words·5 mins
Consumerism Microsoft InfoSec Skype
Yet again I come to you with rant, but this time seems like the reason is Microsoft’s huge lapse in basic Skype account security. Probably like mst of you, I have created my Skype account Many years ago.