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Search Transformation Into AI Agents - Today (2024) and Tomorrow (2025+)
·1267 words·6 mins
AI Innovation Google Microsoft Perplexity OpenAI Anthropic RAG RIG LLM
Overview> Overview # It has been a breakthrough year in Artificial Intelligence, and many industries are already transforming. Interestingly, Seems like Google missed the importance of their own AI research! Still - I would like to argue that No Other Company Today is better positioned to replace Search with AI agents.
TikTok is stealing your emails and I found out why!
·586 words·3 mins
Security Social Media
TLDR> TLDR # (Disclaimer: Title written by my 11yo son who insisted it must be a click-bait 😃) Today we noticed that TikTok website is leaking registered emails. Considering TikTok scale it is likely possible to slowly siphon out all their registered emails in the background over period of time, without them noticing.
Swimming in the Dark Pools. Musings on the Morals of Algo Trading.
·1041 words·5 mins
Markets Economics Quants AI Derivatives Options
TLDR> TLDR # I discovered the amazing world of algorithmic trading probably about 10 years ago. I was already enjoying the exploration of market dynamics, their correlation with human psyche, economic cycles, and companies hype/performance.
End Of An Era - Thank You Amdocs for Amazing 30 Years!
·963 words·5 mins
Career LinkedIn Civilization Open Source Programming AI Amdocs Vubiquity Netflix
Thank You> Thank You # WOW - I am truly at loss for words. Most posts just pour out of me, but this is the toughest one to write yet.
Netflix Cancels Their Best Shows! Is Big Data Lying?
·1090 words·6 mins
Netflix Streaming Video Big Data AI Neuroscience Recommendations
TLDR> TLDR # Netflix again cancelled several of our favorite shows, me and the family are Fuming! In this post I explore what might be Netflix decision process, and try to identify potential flaws in it.


Hello World (Again!)
·461 words·3 mins
Personal Hello World JamStack Hugo Gatsby Philosophy
I am Back!!! After unfathomably long hiatus - the World and I have changed much! Hope you are ready for even Crazier writing from me! As you notice, the site is vastly improved!


Duplicate MAC address on Cable Modem – The Fight Goes On
·594 words·3 mins
Communications FCC Internet
TLDR: Arris/Motorola SurfBoard Cable Modems (and perhaps others) are constantly showing up with Duplicate MAC Addresses, even though each manufacturer must only make Single device with same address. Looks like it is time for another fiasco/fight with Comcast for us, something that has become at least annual affair.
My Advice for Dealing with Anxiety (Social, Disorder or Otherwise)
·1277 words·6 mins
Anxiety Self Help
Featured Art: By Destiny Blue on DeviantArt Overview> Overview # First, a quick primer to anxiety itself – it is actually an important human feature which evolution perfected over many millennia.
Biggest Microsoft Security Lapse in Recent History – Skype’s achilles heel
·953 words·5 mins
Consumerism Microsoft InfoSec Skype
Yet again I come to you with rant, but this time seems like the reason is Microsoft’s huge lapse in basic Skype account security. Probably like mst of you, I have created my Skype account Many years ago.


SteamBurglar Malware – Theft in the Digital Age
·469 words·3 mins
Malware InfoSec
Featured Photo: By Ed Hardie on Unsplash My son started screaming few hours back, scaring us half to death. Apparently he reacted this way to what seemed like a virus infecting his computer, after he ignored all long standing advice from me and clicked on nasty link from another Steam user sent via chat.


The Zeitgeist Movie Series – My Take
·973 words·5 mins
Economics Money Review Utopia
Let me open by saying that these movies are a classic definition of Propaganda. They follow the tried and true model of massaging real facts to their own needs, and using strategic omissions or worse.


Tivo Disaster – If it Ain’t Broke, Why Fix It?
·769 words·4 mins
Consumerism HDTV Tivo Streaming Video Recommendations
It is really basic premise, and I didn’t even invent it. Alas I have to warn other potential Tivo customers, after giving company many chances to make things right and a month of monumental efforts (mostly mine).
The ‘final’ Frontier in Java
·763 words·4 mins
Java Programming
Introduction> Introduction # Although this post came about primarily to help my son learn Java, it still amazes me how many professional developers do not understand this basic premise in Java (Programming Language) even after working with it for Years.
Finding Life’s Riches
·487 words·3 mins
Philosophy InfoSec Internet
EDITOR NOTE: Recovered from Draft, so Old but Newish Post! While I walk this Earth like (most) of you, I have set myself a goal of Life Long Learning. Perhaps this is one of the reason I find computers so fascinating, as it is a never ending universe that we are constantly creating.
How to Print To your iPhone or Android Phone
·411 words·2 mins
Consumerism Free Technology Deal
Yes, this is not a typo – printing To your iPhone, I know it sounds weird! It is actually very handy, saves plenty of trees and makes “printouts” easier to carry around and find in the future.
Getting Rickrolled by Rick in BrowserQuest
·299 words·2 mins
FireFox Programming Weekend Fun
This one is definitely filed away under Weekend Fun! Kudos to Mozilla foundation, though a bit sad that it doesn’t play on iPad (and some other browsers) yet. The brilliance of the BrowserQuest is not just in it’s grand fun gameplay, but also that it is truly and completely open-source!
Zen and the Art of iOS
·647 words·4 mins
Apple iOS iPad iPhone Technology UX Philosophy Recommendations
Today I want to reflect on Zen of iOS and overall Apple philosophy. But first, there’s a disturbance in the force that I must deal with. My overall tranquility has been compromised, and by Apple Genius Bar employees, no less.
The Adventures of the Me-2 Ship
·445 words·3 mins
Android Innovation RIM
This famous ship sailed the seven seas for years and years. It rode the waves up and down, and often seemed like it will capsize, but it managed to survive.
Solved: The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Ide\IdePort2
·2767 words·13 mins
Microsoft Technology Windows
My son and I went through rather painful ordeal with this Event 11 that Windows quietly generates. It took us few weeks to fully work out why Windows suddenly started hanging, misbehaving or even crashing with blue screen.


11/11/11 And Our Binary Future
·564 words·3 mins
Numerology Project
Just had to post today, such a special day in history of the World. I entertained a plan to a day off, but ended up working harder than ever. And now – it’s 11.