Blog Action Day – The Environment
·228 words·2 mins
Global Warming
Today’s post is about The Environment. Our Planet, and what are You doing to help save it? What actions are You taking daily to better the planet for our Children?
Friday Fun – Linkin Park’s latest classic
·366 words·2 mins
Little known fact (or maybe it’s famous fact?) about me is that I am a video technophile. I love to capture/convert/archive videos in all their form. Whether it is first time my child walked, or my favorite Music Video, and so forth.
New ways to Love your Prime Time TV
·243 words·2 mins
Streaming Video
While all signs pointing to upcoming demise of TV as we know it, I think we should try to make the most of this transition period. Today, I compiled a short list of resources to help everyone’s TV addiction, now that Prime Time TV season is back with their best entertainment offerings.
Plaxo – so far so good + Vista in your XP
·394 words·2 mins
I signed up for Plaxo account today, following a little reminder of their existence. I have been watching their progress for a while, and looks like they are on the right path and have stamina needed to survive rough startup waters.
WARNING: This Blog Post is Simulated
·420 words·2 mins
Quantum Reality
World of Warcraft
Lately I felt that I have been posting way too much on Technology or plain fun stuff, and not at all enough on Meaning of Life, as the sub-title of my blog implies.
Windows Vista Wow – Part 2
·422 words·2 mins
This is the reality part, and frankly, I just felt the first post was big enough and didn’t lend itself to becoming even longer, to include all the flip side of the new Vista wow.
Windows Vista – I found the WOW!
·1160 words·6 mins
Granted, this post is a bit early, I’ve only been using Vista on the my new PC for about a week and a half, but I just had to blog about it!
More weekend fun + Amazon, Please take my MONEY!
·125 words·1 min
Enjoy a little break from the geekyness of this blog. This is one of the latest Hilary Duff videos, and it seems to be her most adult style ever, which is great by me 😉
Amazon MP3 Download is finally here
·379 words·2 mins
I have been waiting too long! Welcome, everyone, to the Digital Music age! What, I missed the revolution?
Not at all. I refused to purchase music that was locked into single platform and DRM‘d to death.
Jealous Computers and other fun stuff
·375 words·2 mins
Don’t worry, I didn’t disappear anywhere. I was busy most of this week planning and building my latest and greatest PC, and I am really proud of this one.
I built it from the finest cost-effective components.
There goes yet another startup opportunity of mine
·184 words·1 min
As I mentioned in the title of my Ventures page (which is still unfinished, as yet another testament to what happens with my Ventures…), most of my ideas get implemented not by me.
Joost is growing and is as revolutionary as ever
·238 words·2 mins
Streaming Video
Are you all Joost‘ed up yet? This video platform is revolutionary and is truly disruptive to Video on the Web, and even Cable TV for home.
It’s perfectly legal too, since just like the broadcast model, it is advertiser supported.
Future is here folks, and it ain’t cheap
·212 words·1 min
When this amazing gadget shows up in your run-of-the-mill neighborhood warehouse club, this truly takes it mainstream.
Meet ezGear ezVisionX4 Video iWear, courtesy of BJ’s wholesale club. Yep, finally, all those science fiction movies we all saw as kids are coming true.
Turn your web browsing up a notch
·648 words·4 mins
Short post today, since it’s very late.
I tried out Opera 9.50 Alpha today, and while it may be as lightening fast as they claim, that doesn’t help me any.
eBay Gone Berserk? Lost All Marbles?
·711 words·4 mins
We have been eBay patrons for many many years, probably almost since it’s inception. But lately, it seems to become more and more of a wild west and less and less of organized trusted marketplace.
Learning to Fly
·329 words·2 mins
World of Warcraft
So, most of you are wondering where is it I disappeared to, for the last few days. Over the labor day weekend I was learning to fly, of course!
Actually, at first I just decided to make a push as soon as I hit level 67, to reach 68 in record time.
Some labor day weekend fun
·63 words·1 min
Oh how fast they grow up…. Seemed just not too long ago they were some kids on Disney channel. And how does it work exactly? Hollywood Records it says, but they started with Disney and I am guessing they still are with Disney, in a lot of things.
For my women readers
·105 words·1 min
Linking to Porn is a sure way to get lots of hits, right? But, most porn is really guy oriented, so I was happy to come across some Porn specifically for Women!
Summary of Videos, Please, Mr Scoble!
·339 words·2 mins
Mr Scoble, I am really becoming agitated here, and sorry to say, I’m very close to unsubscribing from your otherwise excellent blog.
I’ve been reading your blog for many months (years?
Image manipulation breakthrough
·102 words·1 min
It amazes me that in this day and age it is still possible to come up with revolutionary algorithms in computer science. One would think that by now we have figured out how to do Image manipulation, but, as they say, We Don’t Know Jack!